Sunday, November 9, 2008

Preserving Life

Although finding a life-like objects in the fridge may be a relatively common occurrence in some houses, I doubt they ever found anything this close. Ya know, this is the kind of thing you find when a 15-month-old helps you clean up. Or, as my father-in-law suggested maybe Kate has made the connection that when you put things in the refrigerator, they last longer. It is obvious that Kate loves her dolly when I consider the care she takes of her in comparison with her other toys. Rocking her (at warp speed), placing (throwing) her in the crib, giving hugs (suffocating her). Although she may not have the exact right technique, it sure is darling to see her give love and affection.


  1. Just work on stopping the "baby in the fridge" idea before the next sibling comes around. . .

  2. that could be disastrous, you're right!

  3. That reminds me of the time we found six binkies in our change bottle. We always did wonder where they disappeared to.

  4. That is so cute! It is fun to see what they will do next. :)
